No civilization in history has yet survived the loss of its primefarmland.
It represents one of the biggest sales of primefarmland in the State in recent years.
You're talking of migrating into some primefarmland now".
Cultivating crops on primefarmland to produce bio-diesel has been widely criticized for helping sustain higher food prices.
Severe weather hits the country every year, with hundreds killed and huge tracts of primefarmland having been destroyed in recent years.
Its primefarmland produces corn, soybeans, spring wheat, potatoes, and more than half of the sugar beets grown in the United States.
The government also dumped plans to compulsorily acquire primefarmland in Queensland, which was to be used for joint training exercises with Singapore's military.
A stud farm with 120 acres of primefarmland in Co Tipperary comes to the market this week with an asking price of £925,000-plus
While about 4,500 white farmers owned 70 per cent of primefarmland, he added, millions of blacks were congested on marginal soils in communal areas.
Primefarmland in the province was already under pressure from urban and industrial expansion, transportation corridors, and rural residences, Mullinix noted.
-The San Joaquin Valley accounts for 60 percent of the state's primefarmland and is the world's most productive agricultural region.