Souring relations have strained bilateral trade, prompting some business executives to urge Australia's conservative government to prioritizeeconomic policy above social advocacy.
The president's intervention illustrated that, at least in this case, he would prioritizeeconomic benefits over potential competitive pitfalls and national security concerns.
Souring relations have strained bilateral trade, prompting some business executives to urge Australia's conservative government to prioritizeeconomic policy above national security and human rights.
But the state government has actively thwarted efforts to go back into lockdown, prioritizingeconomic vitality even as the death toll soars.
But it has not been replaced by any prioritizedeconomic policies and preferences on the federal level, as the OECD has noted.
A national Gallup poll this year showed that more Americans favored prioritizingeconomic growth over the protection of the environment (49 percent versus 41 percent).