However, by the aid of a little water, I presently procuredmore than sufficient to write down my numbers.
So after some grumbling, the driver procuredmore money from his valise, and eventually they were on the road again.
Already Wren has over 1,000 members in Wadebridge and the surrounding area, and has procuredmore than 200 installations.
Whether, when one man had in his way procuredmore than he could consume, he would not exchange his superfluities to supply his wants?
By day we passed villages on higher ground, where we might have procuredmore food if we had dared run the risk of meeting Germans.
Nevertheless, there is none the enjoyment of which can now be procuredmore cheaply, and which, consequently, by our own definitions, has become more necessary.
The South Asian country has procuredmore than 1.3 million tonnes of rice locally so far in the current season to build state reserves.