Attorneys throughout the country a greater amount of prosecutorialdiscretion.
Some kind of corruption, some kind of obstruction of justice, violations of prosecutorialdiscretion.
That in turn inflated the government's prosecutorialdiscretion.
On his blog, Cuban said the matter has no merit and is the result of gross abuse of prosecutorialdiscretion.
In the memo, Morton offered field offices guidance in the use of " prosecutorialdiscretion" in pursuing immigration cases.
I believe it demonstrates what can happen when prosecutorialdiscretion is unchecked, when regard for facts is secondary to political objectives.
If he told us the truth, Goldman planned to exercise his prosecutorialdiscretion and leave him out of the next indictment.
Obama's lawyers told the Supreme Court that Obama was acting within the government's exercise of prosecutorialdiscretion to decide who to deport.
The Swartz prosecution prompted Attorney General Eric Holder to enter the fray, saying it was a "good use of prosecutorialdiscretion."
Texas U.S. attorney's office spokesperson Angela Dodge wrote in an email to WIRED that she wouldn't discuss the specifics of the office's prosecutorialdiscretion.
But if you look at the federal immigration laws passed in 1996, Congress took away that prosecutorialdiscretion the Obama Justice Department claims it has.
According to the lawsuit, "the defendants violated her rights "when they assumed the authority to veto the prosecutorialdiscretion of an independent elected official."
The department said given the massive crisis it "will exercise its prosecutorialdiscretion and provide carriers an opportunity to become compliant before taking further action."