North Korea has been retreating from its earlier publicrenunciation of the talks.
His publicrenunciation of past abuses drew a line between his administration and that of his predecessor.
One headline that broke through the chatter came from a journalist's emotional publicrenunciation of air travel.
Thus multitudes made a publicrenunciation of idolatry, and a public profession of their faith in Christ.
At home, Abiy's publicrenunciation of past abuses drew a line between his administration and that of his predecessor.
After such publicrenunciation of former doctrines, all these new and so-called liberal theories were a mere delusion and a snare.
Without waiting for any one else to come forward, he made publicrenunciation of Bathybius at the British Association in 1879.
North Korea has been retreating from its earlier publicrenunciation of the talks, but there are no firm plans for their resumption.
Because of time already served in the United States fighting extradition and his subsequent publicrenunciation of the IRA, Peter McMullen was set free.