Methods: 27 patients with CF were recruited at onset of pulmonaryexacerbation.
There is increasing interest in these inflammatory pathways to discover novel biomarkers for pulmonaryexacerbation management.
Additional outcomes included outpatient visits, hospital days for pulmonaryexacerbation treatment, bacterial colonization, and body mass index.
Patients and methods: 55 adult CF out-patients free from a pulmonaryexacerbation were prospectively enrolled in this study.
Aim and objectives: To explore the experience of pulmonaryexacerbation from the perspective of adults with cystic fibrosis.
Biomarker panels may be a more successful strategy to capture informative changes within the CF population to improve pulmonaryexacerbation management and outcomes.
Conclusion: The experienced degree and source of emotional distress are drivers for self-management decisions in patients with cystic fibrosis who experience a pulmonaryexacerbation.
Expert opinion: Heterogeneity in inflammatory responses to treatment of a pulmonaryexacerbation, a disease process with complex pathophysiology, limits the clinical utility of individual biomarkers.
Copeptin serum concentrations were measured in 28 pediatric cystic fibrosis (CF) patients: 13 in stable condition and 15 during pulmonaryexacerbation.
Background: While management of pulmonaryexacerbations is a pillar of cystic fibrosis care, little is known of patients' perspectives.
Increased cough frequency is a common symptom associated with infective pulmonaryexacerbations of cystic fibrosis (CF), but subjective assessment of cough is very unreliable.