It is also claimed he made travel arrangements and recruitedmembers for Islamic State.
Witnesses are also testifying about a network of coercion and threats that recruitedmembers into violence.
The locally recruitedmembers of the RIR in Northern Ireland completed their last duties at the end of August.
It said Kham had helped raised funds for anti-state activities, joined anti-Vietnam protests in Australia and recruitedmembers for Viet Tan.
Meanwhile, a leaked security document has revealed the group behind the attack recruitedmembers not just abroad, but from within Kenya itself.
Thomaz Vieira Gomes, a drug distributor known as 2N, recruitedmembers of his gang to assist him in abducting two nurses and taking vaccination tools.
Herbalife exclusively sells its products through a network of independent distributors or "members", who also earn through commissions on sales to other recruitedmembers.