I had seen the likes of such reddrapery on Margaret's poppet.
That reddrapery carried off into the right of the picture very skilfully managed!'
There was a beautiful concert-sized piano in the far corner, before a wall covered with heavy reddrapery.
Then the reddrapery fell.
In the midst of the blaze of reddrapery, a space had been fitted up with green benches and tables for the Commons.
One end was curtained off with reddrapery; and real footlights, with tin shades, gave a truly theatrical air to the little stage.
The first room was not furnished, but in the second, which was their bedroom, was a mahogany bedstead in an alcove with reddrapery.
In the meantime the finishing touch was put to other decorations, consisting of flags, devices and reddrapery, everywhere the Three Eights being conspicuous.
To soften its immodesty still further, Marie threw a gauze scarf over her shoulders, left bare and far too low by the reddrapery.
How red was the chamber, from the fire, from the dark reddraperies.
She went out of the room with a flounce of reddraperies, and left James.
The inside of the chapel was swathed in reddraperies, tall white columns, and vases overflowing with red and white roses.
Deep red carpeting, reddraperies, flocked wallpaper crowded with pale watercolors, their prices printed on little white cards stuck to their frames.
A coffee-colored woman was sitting beyond her, clad in loose reddraperies to which were sewed shining patterns of what she thought was gold.
"I want you to dress in all those reddraperies, and then, standing on the dais, to drop them, let them fall from you."