Nurse-led relaxation training programs and psychosocial couple-based prevention programs also seem to reduceC-section rates.
General Motors Co GM.N said it has included maternity goals, including reducingC-sections, in a new contract with a Detroit-area hospital.
Suzanne Delbanco, executive director of the nonprofit Catalyst for Payment Reform, has worked with large employers seeking to reduceC-section rates.
Among the interventions targeting pregnant women or couples, childbirth training workshops seem to reduceC-section rates significantly and increase spontaneous vaginal birth rates.
People's desire to exercise choice means the government's target of reducingC-sections from 25% to 20% of all births is unattainable, Topping believes.
Intermountain, which has 360 doctors delivering babies, said the reducedC-section rate delivered about $46 million in savings compared with the national average in 2008.