The Minister for Health rejectedademand that the Hanly report be set aside.
Their leader rejectedademand that they stop hiding in the mountains of the north.
Sri Lanka has also rejectedademand by the West for an international probe of war crimes.
Sri Lanka has also rejectedademand by the West for an international probe on war crimes.
India has rejectedademand by the Albanian government for the return of the remains of Mother Teresa.
Mr Levison refused to hand the data over and also rejectedademand to release the service's encryption keys.
Separately, Merkel rejectedademand by an Iraqi Islamist group that Germany pull all its troops out of Afghanistan.
Yameen's administration has rejectedademand by a U.N. human rights watchdog to let Nasheed stand for the presidential election.
Last year Poland rejectedademand by Gazprom for it to lower its fees for pumping Russian gas across Polish territory to Europe.
But they quit the government last month after the other parties rejectedademand to abolish the monarchy immediately instead of through a vote.
The administration of President Abdulla Yameen has rejectedademand by a U.N. human rights watchdog to let Nasheed stand for the presidential election.
The chancellor rejectedademand from the opposition Social Democrats (SPD) that he should himself return for the debate on next year's budget.
Israel's top court has rejectedademand by civil liberties groups for a ban on the military's "targeted killings" of Palestinian armed faction leaders.
Israel yesterday steadfastly rejectedademand by several Arab leaders to cancel its plans for a "Greater Jerusalem", saying the scheme had no political implications.