A valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level.
Safety valve used to control or limit the pressure in a system.
Examples for "escape "
Examples for "escape "
1 Last year his parents decided he should try to escape to Europe.
2 How can this visit help me answer the question I can't escape ?
3 Neither side will escape challenge: this research will impact on the vote.
4 They allow people to escape their reality and enter a new one.
5 Now he decided a different course of escape might be in order.
1 We had a safety valve and that may have affected our display.
2 These disks are a safety valve , deep down in Henrik's private underworld.
3 And I would put that into the category of the safety valve .
4 It was a safety valve that allowed the most desperate to go.
5 Eph and Fet backed away from the blue-lit closet, their safety valve .
1 The pressure escape valve is often attached to this hydraulic valve body.
2 As money laundering becomes harder to hide, Putin is losing his escape valve .
3 If I don't it's not the fault of the escape valve .
4 For many, this is the escape valve party for a ragtag army of none-of-the-aboves.
5 This time there was no escape valve up through the weak, nonsymmetrical, semisolid layers.
1 None who enter escape ...' Cocking her head she raised a hand to forestall any comment.
1 The design of the atmospheric relief valve received special consideration.
2 That left the reactor dependent on another backup system, a special sort of relief valve .
3 But, as luck would have it, the relief valve wasn't working properly that day either.
4 In theaters before electricity, Mr. Whittier would say, the ghost light acted as a pressure- relief valve .
5 Thanks for being such a nice pressure- relief valve .
6 Hayes said it could take 90 days to install a relief valve to stop the oil leak.
7 Some relief valves would vent, but in a fire, a relief valve would just feed the flames.
8 Nelka felt it would help her forget and would act as a relief valve for her feelings.
9 Getting the Celtic Interconnector in place as early as possible is an important "safety relief valve " .
10 It could be 90 days before a relief valve is installed to stop the leak, the officials said.
11 At times, a relief valve would open to release overheating water, then close again when the pressure dropped.
12 But the heat and pressure would build again, and the relief valve would have to repeat its cycle.
13 What is a vacuum relief valve ?
14 Prosecutors said the company's air permit application did not mention a pressure relief valve emitting noxious coke oven gas.
15 What a cylinder relief valve ?
16 Use the pressure relief valve if the keg's got one; otherwise, press down with a screwdriver on the gas-in line.
Other examples for "relief valve"
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Translations for relief valve