At the last moment, she curled her fingers inward, restoringbalance.
Far from restoringbalance and calming the situation this article only served to further polarise the argument.
The placid calm soothes frayed nerves and works wonders in restoringbalance and perspective toward family and business problems.
But Anakin Skywalker comes through in the end, saving his boy from the Emperor and restoringbalance to The Force.
In other words, the value of either work or play consists in change of activities restoringbalance in the personal field.
Using the techniques of reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, massage and meditation can also help in restoringbalance to your energetic field.
It reiterates its ongoing efforts toward restoringbalance in the market as part of its commitment to market stability now and in the future.