The automaker said again on Friday it preferred to restructureoutside of bankruptcy court.
GM is seeking $30 billion in U.S. government aid to restructureoutside of a court-supported bankruptcy process.
GM still prefers to restructureoutside bankruptcy, but would be ready to file for court protection if necessary, he said.
He added that the automaker had originally hoped to repay its loans to the government and restructureoutside of bankruptcy.
Chief Executive Fritz Henderson has said the automaker would prefer to restructureoutside court but is prepared for bankruptcy if needed.
They'd be able to restructureoutside of the public eye, take a long term view, and run the company at break even.
The failure of GM's effort to win support from bondholders for its effort to restructureoutside bankruptcy had been anticipated by analysts.
After some posturing that JAL should be restructuredoutside of bankruptcy court, the banks have since come around.
Elpida in March had filed for so-called Chapter 15 protection in the Delaware court, a common move for companies restructuringoutside of the United States.