(Linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed.
1 The root for caprice even shares a root word for your sign.
2 And of course, the root word of their name, the von Neumann probe.
3 For memory's sake, choosing a basic root word , then rotating numbers, is safer.
4 I mean, even the root word of masculinity means it's like a mask.
5 But is it not so with every root word ?
6 The root word is certainly ancient.
8 Any one root word in Elvish can be transformed into an action, thing, or rather verb, noun, and so on.
9 Note that in some cases the root word itself is a compound form such as xxx-xxxx, and is rendered as -xxx-xxx
10 "I wonder what the root word of the hippie is?" he said.
11 There are many forms for Arabic words, with suffixes, prefixes and root words , and words change completely when used in different tenses and forms.
12 The Hebrew has only about 500 root words of 3 letters; the stagnant Chinese, 450; the Sanscrit, about the same.
13 The similarity in both groups of old root words , like the numbers from one to ten, point again to a common origin still more remote.
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Translations for root word