This week, Singapore unveiled a new technology to help safeguardthecountry's oil refining sector.
The government will continue to safeguardthecountry's culture for present and future generations, Mwakyembe said.
Every precaution is being taken to safeguardthecountry against any surge of the COVID-19, said Mthembu.
He said China's determination to safeguardthecountry's sovereignty and security, and Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, was unshakable.
The head of IDA Ireland has warned of the need for steps to be taken to safeguardthecountry's competitiveness.
An historian says the Tongan government needs to change its approach to development if it is to safeguardthecountry's heritage.
All these indicate the unavoidable impacts of climate change and the continued need to safeguardthecountry's scarce water resources, the report said.
The minister further told the news publication that South Africa would prepare itself for such threats as it has a responsibility to safeguardthecountry.
The Italian government has special powers to safeguardthecountry's strategic defense industry assets after the cabinet passed new "golden share" rules in August.
Urging the British people to "stand together", Corbyn says the police and security services "must get the resources they need" to safeguardthecountry
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators proposed long-awaited rules on Wednesday designed to safeguardthecountry's largest clearing agencies from collapsing and spreading systemic market risks.
Mexico's leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution views the exemption as key to safeguardingthecountry's poor.
Tonga and Samoa have announced extensions to measures put in place to safeguardthecountries from the Covid-19 pandemic.
You're doing just as much as Fred, for in safeguardingthecountry you permit this constructive work to go on.
Karimov says he is safeguardingthecountry from Islamist militants who he says are trying to oust him and establish a Muslim caliphate.