As soon as he was brought in, he was again thrown into the samedungeon.
Only the sagamore was strictly confined, being ironed and placed in the samedungeon which Joy had occupied.
After he was loosened, loaded with heavy chains, and cast into the samedungeon with Acepsimas, Aithilahas was called upon.
But his hasty levies were defeated and he taken prisoner, to be thrown into the samedungeon as the royal captive.
Then calling the jailer, he consigned me into his hands, ordering that I should be placed in the samedungeon with Maroncelli.
You have contrived with wicked men, chained in the samedungeon as yourself, a plot to overthrow the order stablished in this city.
I wrote to Madam de Pompadour, beseeching her to release him or obtain an order to shut me up in the samedungeon.
Their gothic his-and-hers outfits and vampiric complexions made it look like they'd gotten ready in the same bathroom, or in the samedungeon.
He contrived, however, to turn the tables upon them and to hold them in the samedungeon where he himself had been their prisoner.
In the evening, finding themselves in the samedungeon, they reproached one another, each pretending he had been dragged into the crime by someone else.