Examples for "scary "
Examples for "scary "
1 In the right context, the scary - looking number may prove the Ivorian's point.
2 For a scary moment, I saw things from her point of view.
3 In fact it did it with just two scary words: higher taxes.
4 The US state of Louisiana is facing a very serious, scary threat.
5 Given the numbers, that's a scary thought for upcoming New England opponents.
1 However, that chilling effect is part of our current justice system's design.
2 But Lieberman's words will have a chilling effect on news organisations everywhere.
3 The expense and the threat are enough to create a ' chilling effect'.
4 The result is a little book with a chilling power of prediction.
5 However, it could have a chilling effect on coverage of sensitive stories.
1 She said it made her go all cold and shivery all over.
2 My bedroom's right above the kitchen and I woke up all shivery .
3 Her body throbbed, shivery tremors racing in riotous arcs across her skin.
4 Abruptly his mind grasped the thread linking together all this shivery confusion.
5 It makes me feel shivery to even think of such a thing!
1 Rand Comyngore broke in like the shuddery boom of a temple gong.
2 Two took a deep, shuddery breath, looked down the hall, steeled herself.
3 I drew a dry shuddery breath and shoved my hands in my pockets.
4 She sucked in a deep, shuddery breath before daring to continue.
5 Two was nervous, shuddery , trying hard not to show it.
1 He was meaty with news and scarey stories.
2 I betche there ain't a word of truth in all that scarey talk, Happy Jack fleered heavily.
3 He didn't want to go out and leave us, but he's so scarey he does everything Slade tells him.
4 Jes' call it house or home, but not dat scarey name what you and yo' teacher roll out so keerless like.
5 Were they not fearfully " scarey ? "
6 Whether the wolves hunted him down or not, I can't say, nor I don't care if they did, the scarey brute!
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