It was neither the planned location for the festival nor its scheduledopening act.
That's a week earlier than the originally scheduledopening on the Queen's Birthday June long weekend.
Watkins on Thursday scheduledopening statements for April 4 in their retrial, according to the judge's office.
The congress of the revolutionists was suppressed, and the delegates dispersed two days prior to their scheduledopening.
Michael Flatley was admitted to hospital in Australia yesterday before the scheduledopening in Brisbane of his show, Lord of the Dance.
Coronet Peak ski area manager Ross Copland said the build-up "simply couldn't be better" in the lead-up to the mountain's scheduledopening on June 8.
A dedicated immigration detention facility due to open at Dublin Airport in June 2019 is lying unused 14 months after its scheduledopening.
Mayor Dinkins responded to the bellowing with a panicky plan to reinspect each of the city's 1069 schools before September 9th, the scheduledopening day.