He constantly used scripturaltexts in the course of his speech.
We shall now read scripturaltexts and their co-relative passages from our text-book-thesecomprise our sermon.
And there are scripturaltexts on the walls of our poor-schools which I conclude are her work.
For 1500 years science was forced to confine itself to a system of deducing scientific truth from scripturaltexts.
He spent two days in a talk that was mostly made up of scripturaltexts and his commentaries upon them.
Another firm only a few years ago discontinued a custom of hanging on the walls of its offices scripturaltexts.
They follow the Book of Mormon, published in 1830 by Joseph Smith Jr., as well as the Bible and other scripturaltexts.
Milton professes to form his system from the Bible alone; and his digest of scripturaltexts is certainly among the best that have appeared.
These men and those who followed them founded upon scripturaltexts and theological reasonings a system that for seventeen centuries defied every advance of thought.
These " ScripturalTexts," translated from the Chinese and abridged, are usually connected with some event in Buddha's history.
(200) He shows, indeed, some conception of the true source of rain; but his whole reasoning is limited by various scripturaltexts.