I granted this question because I wanted to allow members to scrutinisethegovernment of the day.
A further route opposition lawmakers can use to scrutinisethegovernment is applying for an emergency debate.
A new war powers act would allow parliament to properly scrutinisethegovernment of the day, he argued.
I am confident that parliament will fully exercise its responsibility to scrutinisethegovernment throughout the whole process.
Further details Hipkins says he is open to the Health Select Committee meeting to scrutinisethegovernment's Covid-19 response.
Parliament's Epidemic Response Committee met for the first time yesterday and are meeting again today to scrutinisethegovernment's handling of Covid 19.
We should be sitting right up to 31 October to scrutinisethegovernment at this critical time for the future of our country.
The media has disastrously failed to scrutinisethegovernment's policies, often serving as a de facto extension of the Tory party's propaganda unit.
On Thursday, Labor and the Greens both backed the idea of a parliamentary committee to scrutinisethegovernment's response, following the lead of New Zealand.
It has also been given new roles without any additional funding, including scrutinisingthegovernment's COVIDSafe app.
Opposition leader Simon Bridges will chair a cross-party committee, that will scrutinisetheGovernment's response to Covid-19.
Business leaders are scrutinisingthegovernment's decision to only let essential businesses and those with essential goods operate.
MPs and peers have spent the best part of the past six months scrutinisingthegovernment's care bill.
The opposition is there to scrutinisetheGovernment's actions and point out things it believes could have been done better.
MPs will then head into self-isolation - but it won't mean an end to the Opposition's ability to scrutinisetheGovernment.
Their role is to complement the work of the Commons in making laws and scrutinisingthegovernment, but the Commons has primacy over the Lords.