How often will memory recall those glacier- sculpturedwalls!
The floor beyond was of great slate slabs, and seemed to form the outlet of a long, high corridor with sculpturedwalls.
You have, perhaps, been looking for a rough country with great glacier- sculpturedwalls or imposing rugged scenery on nearing the falls.
The sculpturedwalls were adorned with old Chaos's troubled face, the four fair elements, and many scenes in the history of the earth.
Those who have unlimited time find something worth while all the year round on every accessible part of the vast deeply sculpturedwalls.
Ghastly they lay upon the shadowy sculpturedwalls and ghastly upon the dead face and white beard of my father, the gathered to Osiris.
On the further side of the curtains was a room of no great size illumined with lamps of which the light fell upon sculpturedwalls.
The sculpturedwalls of the great temples, covered with battles, chariots, captives, and slaves, have been worthily described by the vivid pen of Mr. Hamilton.