Someone who obtains or acquires.
1 A securer heritage, however, than parental savings, is parental faith and piety.
2 There she took a securer hold, and plunged with him under the trees.
3 Joshua drew himself into securer , position on the camel and shook its harness.
4 Did it offer any securer hiding-place than the part in which they were?
5 Holding to a gentleman's purse is even securer than holding to a gentleman.
6 It was pierced in the brim for a hat - securer , but the elastic was missing.
7 Are human generosity and affection founded on no securer basis?
8 I could not have fled to a securer hiding-place.
9 As regards Port Adelaide itself, I cannot imagine a securer or a more convenient harbour.
10 Then began agriculture, and for the sake of securer food man tethered himself to a place.
11 After a time I felt securer , and gave my mind again to the dead I had killed.
12 As if negative lies are not falser and more cowardly than positive lies, because securer and more deceptive.
13 I'll be securer then, more necessary to this pair of plunderers, able to make better terms for myself.
14 For those who did not wish to be disturbed after death, the charnel-house was the securer place of burial.
15 Our monarchy has securer establishments.
16 Beyond these a slender cleft, bordered by gnarled roots of low bushes, promised a somewhat easier and securer passage toward the summit.
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