Examples for "emperor "
Examples for "emperor "
1 It was the emperor 's war, Agrippa's war, your parents' war -notmine.
2 He became emperor of China; his hordes spread over India and Persia.
3 Nobody troubled about the fate of the unfortunate emperor in his capital.
4 Ricci died in 1617, having lived in favor with the emperor Vanlie.
5 The emperor Kang-hi protected the Christian religion in the most favorable manner.
1 The repose of the lord of lords was interrupted exactly at midnight.
2 Beholding her thus, the god of gods, that lord of lords , became silent.
3 The caliph has the style of Amir ul Omara, " lord of lords . "
4 And hath on his vesture and on his thigh: king of kings, and lord of lords .
5 Also a prince's cook; and even the water-carrier of that sublime lord of lords and king of kings, the Governor-General of India!
1 You are king of the kings of all the earth;
2 There was once a king of the kings , whose name was Bekhtzeman, and he was a great eater and drinker and carouser.
3 Henceforth, Esarhaddon, in his pride, styled himself King of Egypt, and King of the Kings of Egypt, of the Said, and of Ethiopia.
1 The king of kings will treat only with the Lion King.
2 Verily, O Bhargava, he becomes installed as the king of kings in heaven.
3 By doing it under Anuradha one becomes a king of kings .
4 By the power of God, we, Theodore, the king of kings , are well.
5 By good luck, victory hath become thine, O king of kings .
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