But not the slightestvestige of such kinship has yet been found.
Not the slightestvestige of man's work could be detected over the vast expanse.
Not the slightestvestige of order, and all these girls being spoken to at the gate.
Not a shadow, not a gleam, not the slightestvestige could he trace of its existence.
Perhaps we respond to these two performers because they are playing the only characters with the slightestvestige of decency.
I could not discover the slightestvestige of my guide, nor did I pass anyone from whom I could derive any information.
But of the rabbinical birds, fish, and animals, it is not probable any circumnavigator will ever trace even the slightestvestige or resemblance.
Wildly they scattered and fled, but escape they could not, and ere long not the slightestvestige remained of their once proud ranks.
They went about opening doors, investigating bedrooms, peering into closets; but they could find nothing interesting or exciting-notthe slightestvestige of a ghost.