The smallcourtroom was packed with more than two dozen journalists.
Chief Executive Phupinder Gill appeared on Friday in the same smallcourtroom in downtown Chicago.
Inside, a smallcourtroom smelled of fresh paint, adorned with newly fitted wall-to-wall carpeting and furniture.
The smallcourtroom was crowded with strangers.
He sat in silence as prosecutors took turns to read the 29-page indictment in the smallcourtroom.
Others jammed into the smallcourtroom, lining up each morning for the coveted 24 seats allotted to the public.
Chief Executive Phupinder Gill appeared on Friday in the same smallcourtroom with wood paneling and beige walls in downtown Chicago.
Across the smallcourtroom her 17-year-old daughter with long dark hair bit her varnished nails and stared darkly at the ground.
Standing in front of Persky in the smallcourtroom in Palo Alto, the woman held up large photos showing her injuries.
The three, Abdul, Mummand and Said, stood before the judge in the smallcourtroom as the prosecution quickly read out the charges.
Though Gueboudj and Hermann were tried individually, they were brought out for sentencing with 13 others tried on Monday, crowding the smallcourtroom.
In the smallcourtroom on Koh Samui, an island near Koh Tao, the accused sat in orange prison uniforms with their legs shackled.
In a smallcourtroom in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Magistrate Judge Jon Scoles confirmed that Wasendorf wanted to plead guilty to each of four charges.
Amnesty International called her the "Rosa Parks of Palestine", and the smallcourtroom was often packed with journalists, diplomats and international observers during hearings.