A very attractive or seductive looking woman.
Examples for "hit "
Examples for "hit "
1 Any weakening of consumer confidence could hit Linden Homes' market in particular.
2 New business and export business measures hit new series lows as well.
3 Higher oil prices hit certain stocks on concerns of higher fuel costs.
4 Crime has hit a 12-year low in Northern Ireland, police said yesterday.
5 A deepening economic crisis in Asia and Europe will hit Genting hard.
1 Alternatively; something said could strike the right note at the right time!
2 Public health doctors seem set to ballot for strike action over pay.
3 How much money has the South African economy lost through strike action?
4 The strike would continue until the government agreed to talks, he said.
5 The union said a strike would cost BA £40 million a day.
1 The message is clear: big bang Friday was a good day's work.
2 Not after the bang : the heart attack I had two years ago.
3 I think that's an absolutely bang - on way to go about arranging society.
4 Uncertainty and reality collided with a bang for Americans and American tennis.
5 Another week of Isidingo means we start Monday off with a bang .
1 Second serve: Goran slips when he 's about to smash the return.
2 To summarize: Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket.
3 They want to smash trade unions and end the right to strike.
4 The Protestants continued to smash images; the Catholics to mob the Protestants.
5 Obviously they'd just used something to smash through the ground floor doors.
1 Last night's show was a smasher , an occasion when absolutely everything was right.
2 In all of them, except the last, I was a maker, not a smasher .
3 The smasher was Scottish and the biscuit a ginger nut.
4 I did n't sign the pledge, and I'm as sober, sober as a brandy - smasher !
5 We're talking about the Large Hadron Collider, the largest subatomic particle smasher in the world.
6 Why, it seems as though some Don Juan, some regular heart smasher had said it.
7 It runs the biggest atom smasher in the world and important discoveries are made there.
8 Sandell had fallen back against one of the carronades, his head striking the iron ' smasher ' .
9 A couple of uniformed constables dragged in the window - smasher .
10 A giant atom smasher , I wrote at the time.
11 After one shot from the ' smasher ' , many men were too deaf to hear a shouted order.
12 He received no answer, but saw the baggage - smasher quickening his pace and dodging round the corner.
13 The Highest Living Authority, following the gaze of the baggage - smasher , turned and beheld George Sea Otter.
14 Sharpton focused on Jackson as a bridge builder and a barrier smasher between races and cultures.
15 A ' smasher ' - that 's the word- acoinerof false money.
16 Who you callin' a bluff, you baggage - smasher , you!
Other examples for "smasher"
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