Rite and Reason:Liberal individualism is a major force contributing to socialdisintegration in Ireland today, claims Fr Brian McKevitt.
He would list the year's ten best strikes, the ten best examples of political cowardice, the ten most interesting symptoms of socialdisintegration.
To herald Ireland of the 21st century as a model of socialdisintegration and community breakdown is pessimism of the most dangerous kind.
The middle class may enjoy better working conditions and many material comforts, but it pays for them dearly with socialdisintegration and spiritual emptiness.
The app could have a "dangerous consequence by causing socialdisintegration", said Amiruddin Al-Rahab, a commissioner at the National Commission on Human Rights.
Are Americans on the verge of some kind of socialdisintegration, political breakup, or collective nervous breakdown, as the writer Paul Starobin has recently asked?