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1 See how they stand stock still, or move in monotonously repetitive ways?
2 And when you get to the bottom, stand stock - still and wait for me.
3 But, above all, be sure to stand stock still immediately at the challenge.
4 I stand stock -still , with the long, dying grass wetly and limply clasping my ankles.
5 But a sound she heard at this very instant made her stand stock still.
6 Now stand stock still and don't make a sound.
7 Consequently he would stand stock still, and the noble art of coursing would have no existence.
8 The policemen stand stock - still in the intersections, like civilization's uniformed denial of the invisibly rising day.
9 They'd turn their burning cigarettes into their cupped palms and stand stock - still , clinging to their night-vision instruments.
10 Alec could stand stock still and be merely gorgeous, but when he moved, all bets were off.
11 Naturally I would not stand stock still with a man drawing his last breath under my eye.
12 But why does she stand stock still?
13 I stand stock - still for a second, watching her slight form in black leggings and a red T-shirt.
14 The first stroke of my pick on the thawed face made me jump, stare, stand stock -still , thinking hard.
15 He would face the desert storm or blizzard and stand stock still in his tracks until the weather cleared.
16 When in doubt, he would stand stock -still and try by sight or hearing to get news of the bear.
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This collocation consists of: Stand stock through the time
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