Smaller firms are facing greater financial stresses as some cash- strappedcustomers are taking longer to pay their bills.
The energy companies hit back against political criticism with claims they were more socially responsible than supermarkets in their treatment of cash- strappedcustomers.
Cash- strappedcustomers are hungry for bargains, and small stores, often unable to compete on price, must find other ways to keep their shoppers around.
Like many retailers, Topps Tiles is suffering from low consumer confidence levels as cash- strappedcustomers hold back on discretionary spending such as home improvements.
With cash- strappedcustomers biting on daily deals in their droves, beauticians, mechanics, hoteliers and restaurants can sometimes struggle to cope with the sudden demand.
This compares with a monthly rise of 0.6 percent in December, when shops lured cash- strappedcustomers with hefty pre-Christmas discounts.
The company has reduced headcount, closed stores and implemented other cost-saving measures to battle weak demand as cash- strappedcustomers shy away from spending on non-essentials.