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We must not think, however, that all earth containing this ferment is capable of poisoning the superjacent atmosphere.
And was it not possible, in the second place, that he had not sufficiently heated his infusions and the superjacent air?
Usage of subjacent in English
Around it the hills, their slopes, and the subjacent valleys, were covered with men and horses.
The subjacent ulcer had a healthy granulated appearance.
If their regions be subjacent to Cunard or White Star routes, they're especially likely to be bumped.
TDS and AFM revealed Volmer-Weber island growth dominated film formation with no evidence of a subjacent wetting layer.
Wounds or defects in articular cartilage are repaired by fibrous or osseous tissue derived from the subjacent cancellous spaces.
The pavement, badly sustained by the subjacent sand, had given way and had produced a stoppage of the water.
Differential myelination between intracortical and subjacent white matter can be approximated using signal intensities in T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.
By 4 hr after wounding, the anterior one-half to three-fourths of the stroma subjacent to the wound was devoid of cells.
The skin of the eyelids is very thin, and is separated from the subjacent fibrous tarsal plates by the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle.
Over the past 40 years, several groups have shown that epithelial debridement results in the death of keratocytes subjacent to the wound area.
A free incision should be made through the skin and subjacent textures, till the sheath of the artery is reached and fairly exposed.
The subjacent rocks, also, of gneiss, mica slate, and quartz, are everywhere grooved and polished as if by the passage of a glacier.
After keratectomy wounds, TSP-1 expression was seen 24 h after wounding in the stroma immediately subjacent to the wound-healing epithelium.
Less frequently there is more than one collection of pus under the periosteum, each being derived from a focus of suppuration in the subjacent marrow.
The rich red soil derived from the subjacent trap-rock produces crops as abundantly now as when it was first tilled, upwards of thirty years ago.
In this position, being subjected to great pressure, they scoop out long rectilinear furrows or grooves parallel to each other on the subjacent solid rock.