She must have sufferedfrostbite, walking in those delicate shoes through the snow.
No water, no nothing. The physical wounds-hesufferedfrostbite in four toes-tookmonths to heal.
They're spending the winter indoors in Maryland after sufferingfrostbite, said the federation's Amanda Staudt, a climate scientist.
Many of the mushers who took part in the Nome Serum Run sufferedfrostbite in their hands and faces.
All sufferedfrostbite, the worst by Quinn Simons, who eventually lost his fingers, and his feet at the ankles.
Ms Oksana Sukhanova (23) was picked up sufferingfrostbite and rushed to hospital where she underwent emergency surgery.
Six members of the expedition sufferedfrostbite, but all survived and Cassin was honored by President John F. Kennedy via telegram.
Base camp stayed on the radio, urging Tomaz to focus, but by the next evening he was hallucinating wildly, and sufferingfrostbite.
A destitute migrant worker had both legs amputated after being found sufferingfrostbite on the streets of Northern Ireland, it was revealed tonight.
Along the way, he sufferedfrostbite, dealt with unexpectedly bad weather and bivouacked night after night in sodden climbing gear on treacherous, ice-coated vertical slabs.