An animal (such as a mule or burro or horse) used to carry loads.
1 We had also a half-score of men who led the sumpter mules.
2 Yes, master, they are all ready for placing on the sumpter horse.
3 Jock, discharge the young sumpter mule; put its load on the black one.
4 There was no great train of sumpter mules or baggage wagons.
5 Behind the youth plodded two heavy-headed, limp-eared sumpter - mules , driven by a big-boned black.
6 We started, my uncouth guide sitting tailor-fashion on the sumpter mule upon the baggage.
7 One should have brought me hither seven sumpter loads of mead and mulled wine.
8 We are all of us fine sumpter asses and assesses.
9 Her bundles and bales were corded upon the sumpter 's back.
10 Shall we meet the mitred abbot with his sumpter mule?
11 The sumpter horses were unloaded: the canteens were opened; and a tablecloth was spread on the grass.
12 Have Pommers ready at mid-day with my sycamore lance, and place my harness on the sumpter mule.
13 Even the sumpter mules rejoiced, and gave forth a chorus of brays that did one's heart good.
14 A spit-cook, an herb-cook, a sauce-cook, a butler, two sumpter - horse lackeys, at ten livres a month each!
15 Our train was modest- apairof nags with their attendants, and two excellent sumpter - mules carrying provisions and blankets.
16 There are ten lances and two court ladies and a dozen or so of sumpter horses- abraveshow.
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