There is a central mountain, not an easy telescopicobject, on its dusky floor.
When favourably placed under a low morning sun, Birmingham is a striking telescopicobject.
As a telescopicobject Venus is exceedingly attractive, even when considered merely from the point of view of simple beauty.
It is a fine telescopicobject at sunrise, the interior being crossed by a number of transverse markings representing ridges.
BOSCOVICH.-Thisis not a very striking telescopicobject under any phase, on account of its broken, irregular, and generally ill-defined border.
It is a fine telescopicobject, and, under some conditions, the wider portion of it resembles a railway cutting traversing rising ground, seen from above.
The dwarf planet Pluto was a dim 14th-mag telescopicobject when it crept only 3 arcmin S of Pi on 26 June.
ALIACENSIS.-Thisring-plain, 53 miles in diameter, with its neighbour Werner on the N.E., are beautiful telescopicobjects under a low sun.
GASSENDI.-Oneof the most beautiful telescopicobjects on the moon's visible surface, and structurally one of the most interesting and suggestive.
CLAVIUS.-Thereare few lunar observers who have not devoted more or less attention to this beautiful formation, one of the most striking of telescopicobjects.