Everywhere I saw bluejays; crested titmice, too, were plentiful, as well as crossbeaks.
The titmice or chickadees (Parinae) are fluffy little gray birds, the one crested.
Usually seen clinging erect on tree-trunks; rarely, if ever, head downward, like the nuthatches, titmice, etc.
She writes the students' choices: grosbeaks, mourning doves, tufted titmice (Goatee and Sideburns snicker), chickadees.
Wilfred Scawen Blunt of Crabbet-"TheOld Squire"-FrederickLocker-Lampson of Rowfant-The Rowfant books-"ToF. L."-TheRowfant titmice.
The titmice are going to warn him against the hawk, and the finches and larks will sing of his valour.
Every hollow tree-andthere are many hollow trees where none are felled-hasits nest of starlings, or titmice, or woodpeckers.
The blue titmice flew over it in a flock again and again, with much sweet gossiping, but they did not venture nearer.
The blue, marsh, and great titmice will, in very severe weather, carry away barley and oat straws from the sides of ricks.
The longtailed titmice come along in parties of six or eight, calling to each other as in turn they visit every tree.
The common song birds of Europe are grouped here, including blackcaps, wrens, the active little titmice, together with the North American wood warblers.
Bearded titmice were there, clinging to the stalks of the sedges, and long-necked herons rose from the reedy places where they love to wade.
I could hear titmice in the copse to the left, and a flock of jays calling out to each other as they fed, further on.
Titmice and jays hovered above them, calling to one another excitedly.
Titmice always see to it you are not lonely as you walk through the woods.
Titmice and nuthatches, which have many similar characteristics, are often seen in the most friendly hunting parties on the same tree.