They tooktheadvantage immediately, overpowering him by sheer weight of numbers.
Amos, now an experienced master herdsman, tooktheadvantage afforded by the peace and improved business conditions.
However, she kept focused and tooktheadvantage when she converted her fifth set point on Hradecka's serve.
We instantly tooktheadvantage of it, and once more visited the last remains of the wreck, her bottom.
Sabine dove down to retrieve it, but Lady Fleming was closer by a few steps and tooktheadvantage.
We tooktheadvantage of a little calm weather to try for fish, and caught abundance of fine cod.
To be sure he played Harry at cards, and tooktheadvantage of the market upon him; but why not?
The camel men not coming forward with their camels, the party tooktheadvantage of their detention to visit the neighbouring hills.
It took a couple of steps in response to the blow, dropping steaming turds as it went, and Gwen tooktheadvantage.
Saturday, July 6.-Thismorning our commander, declaring he was sure the wind would change, tooktheadvantage of an ebbing tide, and weighed his anchor.
However, Next NXT.L rose 3.5 percent despite lowering sales guidance as investors tooktheadvantage of its drop to a two-and-a-half-year low on Tuesday.