RBP aggregation results in both toxicgain and loss of normal function.
The molecular mechanism underlying the toxicgain-of-function of mutant hSOD1s remains uncertain.
These findings suggest that FSHD arises through a toxicgain of function attributable to the stabilized distal DUX4 transcript.
These results suggest that mutant TDP-43 is mislocalized to the cytoplasm, where it exhibits a toxicgain-of-function and induces cell death.
Our findings support that SIMPLE mutation disrupts myelin homeostasis and causes peripheral neuropathy via a combination of toxicgain-of-function and dominant-negative mechanisms.
Thus, nuclear retention of mutant ataxin-1 may be an important toxicgain of function in SCA1 disease.
It is currently unclear whether transfer of tau between neurons is a toxicgain-of-function process in dementia or reflects a constitutive biological process.