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An emergent method that activates similar target neural structures non-invasively is transcutaneous SCS.
Computed tomography-guided transcutaneous aspiration biopsy was performed, but no definitive diagnosis could be obtained.
He wrote that just lately he'd been experimenting with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, TENS for short.
Electrical power is supplied by a transcutaneous energy transmission system, integrated with a wearable external battery pack.
Statistical analysis of the level of agreement between transcutaneous and end-tidal signals was performed using a Bland-Altman analysis.
Improvements in surgical technique include regional anesthesia to reduce vasospasms and transcutaneous measurement of fluorescein to measure leak.
A few mice additionally received DNA plasmids encoding portions of the Her-2 receptor electroporated through transcutaneous electric pulses.
All subjects underwent an overnight computerized PSG as per American Thoracic Society standards, including both transcutaneous and end-tidal monitoring.
The effects of nasal and oral breathing on transcutaneous oxygen tension (tcPO2) were studied in healthy subjects.
While pathologic bradyarrhythmias occur for a variety of reasons, clear indications exist for the use of external or transcutaneous pacing.
Objectives: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of auricle reconstruction and active transcutaneous bone-conduction implantation in patients with bilateral microtia-atresia.
Probably from a TENS, said Lauren, referring to a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator, a portable electrical generator used in torture play.
Complex lesions, right heart failure, impaired renal function, lower transcutaneous saturation and lower body mass index were predictive of impaired outcome.
Complex lesions, right heart failure, impaired renal function, lower transcutaneous saturation and lower body mass index were related to worse prognosis.
We further conducted a single-case multi-session study over 6 weeks to explore the applicability of transcutaneous SCS as a home-based therapy.