Investment holding segment is engaged in the investment in transferablesecurities, including marketable shares, warrants and debentures.
The same reduction will apply in respect of unit trusts and UCITS (undertakings for collective investment in transferablesecurities).
The debt was repackaged in 1997 into a special vehicle called NK Debt Corporation by French bank BNP, making it into transferablesecurities.
Ucits, which stands for "undertakings for the collective investment in transferablesecurities", provides a single European regulatory framework for an investment vehicle.
The Investments in TransferableSecurities segment comprises investments in listed companies.
The Company operates three segments: Property Rental, Investments in TransferableSecurities and Venture Capital Investments.
Thelma was a so-called Undertakings for Collective Investment in TransferableSecurities (UCITS) Fund, a European Union regulated investment fund.
The planned launch of the Undertakings for Collective Investment in TransferableSecurities (UCITS) open-ended investment fund was first reported by the Financial Times.
UCITS (Undertakings for the Collective Investment in TransferableSecurities) are EU regulated funds touted by Europe as the "gold standard" of mutual funds globally.