Wainwright said Colombian cartels were exploiting countries recovering from conflict in the area to transportdrugs to the European mainland.
According to the court documents, the officers thought Black's green Silverado pickup truck was a vehicle used to transportdrugs.
Security forces killed six FARC rebels on Thursday, Santos said, in a northern wilderness park that is used to transportdrugs.
Drug gang bosses have minimised their risk of detection by using low-level drug offenders as couriers to hold and transportdrugs.
Children are being paid with fast food takeaways to transportdrugs for organised crime gangs, the Fianna Fáil ardfheis has been told.
But the activity runs afoul of California law if an installer knows for certain that his compartment will be used to transportdrugs.
These findings suggest that AG-A reverses MRP1-mediated drug resistance by directly inhibiting the capacity of MRP1 to transportdrugs.
We were stopped by the police and wrongly accused of transportingdrugs.
O'Reilly was observed transportingdrugs and was taken into custody.
If they are not transportingdrugs, they are escorting traffickers around the city, he alleged.
The tunnel had its own lighting, ventilation and a system of tracks and trolleys for transportingdrugs.
Samoa's Attorney General has sounded a warning to taxi drivers not to get caught up in transportingdrugs.
He was part of a "rip crew" looking to rob smugglers transportingdrugs from Mexico into the United States.
The Columbian police website said officers had been investigating an alleged drug syndicate which transporteddrugs from Argentina to Europe and Oceania.
They did not say whether the group was involved in smuggling or connected with al Qaeda, but local media said the convoy was transportingdrugs.
Puracal, 35, was detained by Nicaraguan authorities in November 2010 along with 10 Nicaraguans and accused of transportingdrugs to El Salvador and Guatemala.