The trophozoites became swollen and deposits of glycogen were seen in the cytoplasm.
This protein was present in all isolates tested, restricted to mature trophozoites and schizonts.
Resistant but not susceptible trophozoites show intense immunofluorescent staining on their surface with anti-human erythrocytic membrane antibody.
Its specificity for the surface of trophozoites and schizonts was observed to decrease with increased duration without subculture.
Our objective was to determine the mechanism by which trophozoites of E. histolytica resist lysis by human serum.
The life cycle of the parasite alternates with two forms: the resistant cyst and the invasive trophozoite.
Nine of the isolates were also positive for malaria parasites, seven of which were in the trophozoite stage.
Our results indicate that a trophozoite cysteine proteinase is required for initial cleavages of globin by intact malaria parasites.
To determine the enzymatic mechanism of hemoglobin degradation, we incubated trophozoite-infected erythrocytes with peptide inhibitors of different classes of proteinases.
PfGARP is a parasite antigen of 80 kDa that is expressed on the exofacial surface of erythrocytes infected by early-to-late-trophozoite-stage parasites.
The protein occurs in late trophozoite and schizont stages and is found in isolates of the parasite from widely separated geographical areas.
PfpUB expression is developmentally regulated in intraerythrocytic stages with a marked increase in both steady-state transcript and polyubiquitin protein levels in late trophozoite stages.
In a Northern analysis, C1.8 hybridized predominantly with RNA from rings, the life-cycle stage immediately preceding the trophozoite stage.
By killing trophozoite-infected erythrocytes, PfGARP could synergize with other vaccines that target parasite invasion of hepatocytes or the invasion of and egress from erythrocytes.
The trophozoites became swollen and deposits of glycogen were seen in the cytoplasm.
This protein was present in all isolates tested, restricted to mature trophozoites and schizonts.
Resistant but not susceptible trophozoites show intense immunofluorescent staining on their surface with anti-human erythrocytic membrane antibody.
Its specificity for the surface of trophozoites and schizonts was observed to decrease with increased duration without subculture.
Our objective was to determine the mechanism by which trophozoites of E. histolytica resist lysis by human serum.
The latter was also observed in trophozoites, which were stained by conventional immunohistochemical methods, from experimental liver abscesses in hamsters.
It was present in schizonts and also in ring-stage trophozoites, where a speckled immunofluorescence pattern suggested an association with the erythrocyte.