Figure 10 shows an elbow joint with tuberculousdisease.
The two colony types were equally virulent for the guinea pig, exhibiting characteristic tuberculousdisease.
The greatest difficulty is met with in the knee and hip, where the condition may closely simulate tuberculousdisease.
The so-called "compound palmar ganglion" is a tuberculousdisease of the tendon sheaths, and is described with diseases of tendon sheaths.
The picture confirms the prior diagnosis of tuberculousdisease, and shows that the joint will have to be opened and treated for the disease.
With the aid of uni- and multivariate analyses we established the importance of different factors in the appearance of tuberculousdisease and infection in contacts.
The vertebræ may become involved by infection taking place through the pharynx or œsophagus, and leading to a condition simulating tuberculousdisease of the spine.
Tuberculousdisease of joints results from bacillary infection through the arteries.
All these protective measures have already told effectively upon the death rate for tuberculousdiseases.