Eleven percent of the population speak Turkiclanguages, primarily Uzbek and Turkmen.
Their Turkiclanguage is distant from Chinese.
Some Turks have a strong sense of shared cultural and religious heritage with the mainly Muslim Uighurs, who speak a Turkiclanguage.
China worries that Uighurs, who speak a Turkiclanguage, have gone to places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq to fight for militants.
Many Uighurs, who speak a Turkiclanguage, chafe at restrictions on their culture and religion, though the Chinese government insists it grants them broad freedoms.
Military sources said a number of ethnic Uighur militants, who operate alongside Uzbeks and share a similar Turkiclanguage with them, have also been killed.
Military sources said a number of ethnic Uighur militants, who operate alongside Uzbeks and share a similar Turkiclanguage with them, had also been killed.