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The procedure given below applies to silicates undecomposable by acids, of which the mineral feldspar is taken as a typical example.
Usage of unanalyzable in English
Fact expresses for me something in its nature primary and unanalyzable.
But, even in my excitement, reason rejected a mere unanalyzable belief.
Love is the most complex, the most mysterious, the most unanalyzable of human emotions.
Chromosome painting revealed a chromosome 7 rearrangement in a few metaphases that were otherwise unanalyzable.
All analysis, all definition, must in the end rest upon and arrive at unanalyzable and indefinable things.
But the company was truly unanalyzable.
Truth is taken to be an ultimate unanalyzable quality of certain propositions, intuitively felt, and incapable of description.
The last chamber, the last closet, he must feel was never opened; there is always a residuum unknown, unanalyzable.
A feeling of ennui, of impending evil, or of bounding vivacity, may be produced by an unanalyzable complex of causes.
It is the form of my belief, and that unanalyzable something called Beauty is the light that falls upon that form.
For every one there are certain types, certain faces and forms, gestures, voices and intonations that have that inexplicable unanalyzable quality.
PMID: 9797775 Chromosome painting revealed a chromosome 7 rearrangement in a few metaphases that were otherwise unanalyzable.
The final meaning of music to him was that it created within man "a great, pure, unanalyzable yearning after God."
But he knew that most people followed, not classical or symbolic logic, but that unanalyzable and invalid system of logic deriving from their emotions.
She wore her clothes with an unanalyzable difference, with a sort of effrontery, as Calvaster put it in talking of her to his cronies.
Nevertheless... quite apart from the military, there was the curious unanalyzable difference between the extremely well-bred American face and the extremely well-bred English face.