Evenings and weekends, he gives free violin lessons to underprivilegedkids.
I have a long-standing dream of opening a school of excellence for underprivilegedkids.
Evan works with companies like VibeArts which helps underprivilegedkids get access to art supplies.
All proceeds will go straight to P's From One Hand to Another nonprofit for underprivilegedkids.
Kyrgios spoke of his own similar foundation for disadvantaged and underprivilegedkids, with a facility being built in Melbourne.
They were joined by underprivilegedkids to learn traditional Moroccan recipes from one of Morocco's foremost chefs Dar Moha.
Paul Maree was allowed to share his teaching resources with underprivilegedkids in Khayelitsha a few years ago, at the request of his mother.
She took a job for very little pay tutoring underprivilegedkids at a shelter where they lived while waiting to go into foster care.
The squad gathered in downtown Auckland this afternoon to clean and re-purpose more than 400 pairs of boots for underprivilegedkids across the Blues region.