Over the years, the trickle gradually grew into an unendingstream.
Max watched an unendingstream of cars approaching across the top of the plateau.
He simply had no energy left to deal with the unendingstream of questions without answers.
After lunch we stood for some time watching the unendingstream of camions proceeding into Verdun.
The American settlers saw with increasing anxiety the unendingstream of Indians on their way to the Prophet.
Attention, in this model, isn't a scarce commodity; it's an unendingstream that weaves in and out of other streams.
It was littered with the clumsy shapes of pushpots, trucked to this place in an unendingstream all night long.
The Executioner poured an unendingstream of autofire with the kind of deadly accuracy that had earned him his moniker.
When fatigue threatened to take them, grief prodded them awake and tears rolled down their faces in an unendingstream.
Voluptuous molls, crooked cops, shady sleuths, an unendingstream of smart ass one liners and twist in the tail denouements.
There was an unendingstream of reports of Fuzzies seen here and there, often simultaneously in impossibly distant parts of the city.
The court documents show that he was fired two years ago for poor performance and an unendingstream of conflicts with co-workers.
Meanwhile the Romans were pressing through the Gate Nicanor in an unendingstream, till presently there was a cry of Make way!
For days past, those silver giants had been rising over the hills in an unendingstream, and now he gave them little thought.
Look, too, at the little clouds that in an unendingstream floated out of the gloom-travellerspressed onwards by a breath of destiny.
To us on Level 7-I think this was everybody's sensation today-the seemingly unendingstream of music held the last surviving suggestion of boundlessness, of infinity.