The second study population consisted of 43 patients with unexplainedsyncope.
Saddle tilt testing in unexplainedsyncope may result in a loss of specificity.
In patients with unexplainedsyncope and ERP at baseline, exercise testing should be performed to detect CPVT.
Establishing a symptom-rhythm correlation in patients with unexplainedsyncope is complicated because of its sporadic, infrequent, and unpredictable nature.
The current clinical use of ICMs involves the evaluation of transitory symptoms of possible arrhythmic origin, such as unexplainedsyncope and palpitations.
Tilt-table testing has become an important part of the evaluation of patients with unexplainedsyncope, although not every patient with vasovagal syncope requires it.
They represent 5.5% of all positive tilt-test outcomes from a prospective study of 181 consecutive patients with unexplainedsyncope.