All patients showed PE mainly in the upperlobes and IPF in the lower lobes.
Three kinds of venous drainage patterns were identified in both the right and left upperlobes.
Typically, radiological examination in chronic pulmonary aspergillosis reveals cavities with fungus balls within the upperlobes.
A 75 year old male presented with gastrointestinal bleeding after resection of both upperlobes of the lungs because of metastases.
The anatomy of the bronchovascular trees of the upperlobes was evaluated with thin-section computed tomography (CT) in 50 patients.
The most common underlying disease was pulmonary tuberculosis (81%), and the upperlobes of both lungs were the most frequently involved sites.
This article reports the case of a patient demonstrating acute bilateral pneumonitis almost completely confined to the upperlobes as a result of inhaling heroin.
In most cases of consumption (some authorities give as high as eighty per cent), the upperlobes are the first to be affected.