It is like getting something from nothing, turning messy wet coffee grounds into usableenergy.
Mitochondria generally act as a cell's power plant -producing usableenergy from oxygen taken in by respiration.
High Risk Research: Investigating ways to turn waste heat and ambient noise, generated by an engine, into usableenergy.
When added to the diet of deployed soldiers, these novel fibr-biotics will be able convert nondigestible fiber into usableenergy.
Three person babies Mitochondria are tiny structures inside nearly every cell of the body that convert food into usableenergy.
On three-quarters of the world's land, solar PV systems today can generate more than 100 times the usableenergy per hectare as bioenergy.
Wallace specializes in mitochondria -cellular power plants that float outside the cell nucleus, turn glucose into usableenergy, and wear down over time.