That means we'll see usedbatteries stacking up in about 20 years.
He would then take the usedbatteries home and recharge them overnight.
I was hiding cardboard boxes full of usedbatteries around the station.
No electrical items, glass, clothes, old shoes, usedbatteries should go into the green bin.
The man, in his 20s, attacked two prison officers with a stocking filled with usedbatteries.
Majors played a distinctly scruffy superhero, one apparently assembled from spare scrap, usedbatteries and charity shop cast-offs.
I've caught a few breaks on usedbatteries and I got a sweetheart deal on a Mars electric motor.
Some were found to be contaminated with hazardous items such as printed circuit boards, used remote controls and usedbatteries.
Collection points for usedbatteries should be provided in all retail outlets selling batteries, according to the Consumers' Association of Ireland.
Mr Barrie usedbatteries as an example, recommending Australia starts manufacturing this product at home rather than exporting the raw materials overseas.
I put a cardboard box out with a sign on it saying ' usedbatteries here' and we soon had the box filled with batteries.
That in turn increases supply of usedbatteries, which are drained, cleaned and returned to the secondary smelters which use them to make lead.
It's a small installation, but a great proof of concept for the usedbatteries that should begin flooding the market over the next few decades.
The firm will recycle usedbatteries acquired from 4R Energy Corp, a joint venture between Nissan and Sumitomo Corp 8053.T, the newspaper reported.
Usedbatteries can be handed in for recycling at over 10,000 shops throughout the State under new EU regulations which come into force tomorrow.