Pain when urinating, vaginaldischarge, fever and aches and pains are also common.
Mary, who is in her early 20s, went to her GP with a mild vaginaldischarge.
The amount of vaginaldischarge and abnormal consistency of the discharge were also associated with T. vaginalis colonization.
External genital erythema and scaling, purulent vaginaldischarge, and pH greater than 5 were associated with increased colonization.
No colposcopic or cytological changes have been observed in users, although approximately 10% have increased vaginaldischarge.
Our patients presented with a profuse, blood-tinged vaginaldischarge and lower abdominal pain two and three months after hysterectomy.
A Gram stain and culture for gonorrhea should be done in all children presenting with vaginaldischarge regardless of history.
Methods: An analysis of samples obtained during a clinical trial of the management of vaginaldischarge in four West African countries.
The only side effect was reported by six percent of women, who said they had vaginaldischarge from the suppository dissolving.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed a risk assessment approach to identify cervical infections among women complaining of vaginaldischarge.
While itching is the most disagreeable effect of such a vaginaldischarge, it should be known that itching is not always due to leucorrhea.
A positive MHA-TP result was significantly associated with unmarried status, history of past STD, HIV infection, and current genital ulcers, vaginaldischarge, or genital warts.
Vaginaldischarge, often described as watery in consistency, was perceived to be a problem amongst women and their partners.
Vaginaldischarge that smells fishy or "off," or a discharge that is greenish or yellowish, could indicate infection.